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the mysterious paiting

An old painting hung on the wall. From the corner of my eye i saw the fingers move. And i got scared i ran down the hallway . and down stairs. And i hide in the closet and i can hear some foot step coming from the painting room i was shaking. So i peeked up stairs and it was a old man. so i ran to my parents and they left a note and it said there was gone shopping so i went up stairs started to look for him. and he was in the bathroom so i waited for him to get out of the bath room.and he started to be nice and i thought he was going to be angry and yelling. So i showed him the hole house. and he wanted to go outside and my dog started to bark at the old man so i took my dog inside and he went to sleep. And the old man talked about how he got in the painting. He said he got in the painting because someone had mysterious painting brush. And he said he was hungry because he did,nt eating in years. and he eat toasted and jam. So he sat on a chair and he said it was yum. And i told him to go a shower because he smell like painting so he got in the bathroom and took a shower when my mum and dad got home. I did not to kick him out the house so a hide him in the closet. So when my mum and dad got home with the shopping they heard something at my mum and dad went to the closet and my mum and dad was freak out and they said they know that old man when there was younger. And my mum and dad helped him.


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